Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data Essay

Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data - Essay Example Each organization significantly talks about the scanning of emails and other information that is being exchanged on internet to ensure that no illegal activity or transaction is being conducted. The use of email for the exchange of confidential information is discouraged by each organization. Authorization controls have been stressed upon so that the persons utilizing the information systems are authenticated to make sure that data does not get disclosed to wrong persons. 2. Each organization has a different form of information that it has to protect. BIDMC stores all sorts of information regarding BIDMC that includes general information and medical records which the employees can make use of for academic and research purposes. Thus, its policy talks about the protection of this specific kind of information that can help its employees in the development of projects and professionalism. Mayo Foundation stores not only general information but also regarding patients that can be useful during transactions for health benefits of the patients.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Hypoxia-inducible factor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hypoxia-inducible factor - Essay Example Hypoxia is a condition where physiologic oxygen levels fall lower than the normal, which can result in stroke, brain injury, spinal cord injury, other neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer. Because of the importance of oxygen for life, organisms have developed mechanisms to cope and survive low oxygen levels (hypoxia). During hypoxia, cells adapt by altering the expression of many genes: those involved in maintaining oxygen homeostasis, coping with reactive oxygen species and other effects of low oxygen stress. Many of these genes are directly regulated by the hypoxia-inducible transcription factor (HIF; with common isoforms: HIF-1 and HIF-2). When oxygen levels are normal (normoxia), HIF is barely discernible; under hypoxia the HIF concentration increases dramatically. The active form of HIF is composed of two sub-units, HIF ÃŽ ±, and HIF ÃŽ ². The latter is constitutively expressed regardless of physiologic oxygen concentration, while HIF ÃŽ ± concentration is very low under normo xic conditions but increases with hypoxia. In normoxia, HIF ÃŽ ± is hydroxylated by through the action of prolyl hydroxylases domain proteins or PHD. Hydroxylation allows HIF ÃŽ ± to associate with a protein complex that makes it a target for proteolytic degradation. The proof of the inhibitory effect of PHD on HIF was established when silencing of PHD2 gene increased normoxic HIF levels (Berraet al., 2003). Silencing of other identified PHD, 1 and 3, did not affect normoxic levels of HIF, leading to the conclusion that the PHDs have different roles in vivo (Berra et al., 2003).