Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Meth A Popular Drugs - 992 Words

Connor Bemis Chemistry Prof Blatchly 12/15/15 Meth in the U.S Crystal Meth is a very popular drugs in the U.S. Meth is easy to make and is highly desirable because of the high it gives. Meth is very devastating to the body and to the mind of users. Addicts suffer greatly as the drug truly take a toll on their bodies. Chemicals needed to make meth can be found at any CVS or pharmacy in the country. Over the counter meds are they key to making the drug, which has caused the epic boom in meth use. The convenience and the chemical high meth gives off is what makes it so popular in today s day and age. Meth is a dangerous and powerful drug that has the power to ruin lives. Crystal Methamphetamine is one of the fastest growing drugs being used throughout the United States. Although Meth is not the only drug out there being consumed by people, it has the upper hand in the damage it causes to addicts and their families. All addictive drugs have quite a few things in common. They produce an initial pleasurable effect, followed by a rebound unpleasant effect. An amphetamine, through its stimulant effects, produces positive feeling, but when it wears off it leaves a person with the opposite feelings also known as â€Å"crashing from the high†. When this occurs a chemical imbalance is created and the result is irritability that physically demands more of the drug to normal and feel good again. Amphetamines produce anShow MoreRelatedMethamphetamine And Cocaine Are Two Commonly Negatively Depicted Substances1746 Words   |  7 PagesMethamphetamine and Cocaine are two commonly negatively depicted substances, but a popular comparison is often placed betw een the pair. This comparison brings up the question, â€Å"Which is Worse?†. The answer to that question is Meth, and this article is going to explain why. To create a fair, unbiased juxtaposition of Meth and Coke, one must start by looking at the history of each. 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